FAME’s “Watch This” is where you can keep up to date with what FAME’s committee and members are watching, as well as read reviews of films and television shows. Have a favourite new release you’d like to review? Or a classic you can’t get enough of? Submit it to us via http://bit.ly/FAMEContent – we’d love to hear you’re watching!
Donda but make it Peppa Pig
Kanye's album has been panned by critics but loved by fans. Rather than giving it any unnecessary attention, my petty ass decided to pay respects to Peppa Pig, who in one tweet took Donda back to school. So here's a quick listicle of my favorite clips from Peppa Pig and lessons we can learn from them as law students and as future legal professionals.
Sean Lock: The Best Cat
As my mum was driving me to get my first COVID-19 vaccination last week, she hit me with incredibly sad news, “Oh, did you hear? Sean Lock died.”
Nine Days: In Cinemas
You need to go and watch Nine Days. If you haven’t already seen the film, you need to stop reading this and go to your nearest cinema. Don’t read other reviews. Watch the trailer if you must. But just go watch it.
Dark Waters: Streaming on Amazon Prime
Featuring Mark Ruffalo and Anne Hathaway, the true story of which Dark Waters is based on has stark parallels to the water crisis in current day Flint Michigan, with Ruffalo’s character drawing parallels to many of us pursuing a legal profession.
Daredevil: Streaming on Netflix
Looking for something to distract from the post Zoom blues? May I offer Marvel’s Daredevil. Live vicariously through Matt Murdock (lawyer-by-day; badass-by-night) as he fights crime in New York City’s Hell’s Kitchen.
Primal Fear: Streaming on Netflix
An eclectic and gripping 90’s classic. This film showcases Richard Gere as the hot-shot attorney seeking pro-bono stardom by winning the impossible case of the year.
Wentworth: Streaming on Foxtel or ABC iView
Social distancing have you feeling a bit like a prisoner in your own home? Well, after watching Wentworth we can guarantee that you will change your mind.
Black Mirror White Christmas (Season 3, Episode 1): Streaming on Netflix
Black Mirror is a television series known for its ground-breaking plot lines and thrilling twists and Charlie Brooker’s ‘White Christmas’ is no exception.
Unorthodox: Streaming on Netflix
Netflix’s new mini-series “Unorthodox” allows us to reflect on our own comforts and relative freedoms in light of this crazy time.
Star Trek Voyager: Streaming on Netflix
Two decades before she was ‘Red’ in Orange Is the New Black, Katherine Mulgrew starred as Captain Janeway in Star Trek: Voyager