Black Mirror White Christmas (Season 3, Episode 1): Streaming on Netflix

Black Mirror is a television series known for its ground-breaking plot lines and thrilling twists and Charlie Brooker’s ‘White Christmas’ is no exception. This 74 minute feature is centred around a conversation between two men who are surrounded by snow and confined to their cabin (can relate).

(From left to right) Rafe Spall, Oona Chaplin and Jon Hamm in Black Mirror: White Christmas. Image credit: photograph from Hal Shinnie Channel 4 on the Guardian)

Their conversation breaks the episode into three separate (and equally mind blowing) story lines that culminate at the end in true Black Mirror style. The episode features rattling depictions of the effect of isolation ranging from physical isolation to a form of real life ‘blocking’ (you’ll see). If you enjoy a good thriller, ‘White Christmas’ won’t disappoint – oh, and did we mention it stars Jon Hamm? What more could you want!?


Wentworth: Streaming on Foxtel or ABC iView


Unorthodox: Streaming on Netflix